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  Method of payment
  Conveyance cost
  Oil paintings wholesale
  For regular transaction,condition is deposit 50% on order and prepayment before shipping.
100% prepaid is requested if the total amount is less than us $3.000

  Payment Method:
  1.We accept payment by cash, check, money order, T/T etc.
  2.Via Western Union If you are in hurry, you can make payment to Mr.HONG PEI JEN in xiamen fujian, China via http://www.westernunion.com You will get a tracking no. from western union. then please send by E-mail your name, address, tel no, reference no. & size, amount and western union tracking no. Your order will be accepted within 24 hours.  
  3.Credit Card For first time buyer, if order is under US$100, the buyer can pay on-line by credit card via www.paypal.com to painting¡êhmilyart.com.  

Wire transfer Bank to Address: 4-10 NO.ZhongSan Road.of Siming Branch.Xiamen Branch of Bank of China.
A/CNO: 4548216-0188-221798-3

  We also can draw oil painting in plank, copper, and thick line linen at the same time. The price of the plank and copper increases by 100% than that on the price list, and the price of the thick line linen increases by 10%.
  The amount of the batch of oil painting is at least $500; If exceeding $2, 000, it is 10% discount off; If $5, 000, it is 15% off; If the sum exceeds $10, 000,it is 20% off; If $20, 000,it is 25% off.
  (The price does not include the freight charges and frame)
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